My Favourite Marmalades…

Being a proud Red-Head or “Ginge” as I’m often referred to, I thought I’d dedicate a post to some of my favourite flame-haired lovelies…

Emma Stone
The stunning and super sassy Emma Stone, using her red hair to bag Spiderman!
Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict Cumberbatch completely had me in The Imitation Game. watch it, NOW!
Nicole Kidman
Elegant, rarely gets it wrong in the fashion stakes and used to be married to Tom Cruise. Nicole Kidman is a red-headed Hollywood Power House.
Isla Fisher
From Home and Away to Hollywood, Isla Fisher has earned her acting cred. I’m pleased to see that she has never strayed away from her natural ginger locks.
Rupert Grint
Some would say better than Harry Potter? I hope to see more of Rupert Grint in the future
Susan Sarandon
A Hollywood institution, Susan Sarandon is a true icon.
Julianne Moore
Julianne Moore has a history of playing strong leading ladies, a real role model for women and girls everywhere.
Prince Harry
Finally, Prince Harry. He’s a prince…

So we have a prince, a few sex symbols and a handful of Oscar winners, Not too shabby my fellow Marmalades…


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